Blog categorized as DailyiQ

Directional Down Day?
The markets are moving lower today, let's see what this type of action has led to during opex week.
09/14/2021 02:21 PM - Comment(s)
Tuesday of September OPEX week
This is options expiration week, let's see what has happened on Tuesday of options expiration week.
09/14/2021 08:35 AM - Comment(s)
Will the weakness continue to end of day?
The markets are weak following the gap up this morning, let's see what this type of price action has led to historically.
09/13/2021 02:34 PM - Comment(s)
What has happened historically following a trend day down Friday
The markets finished the week bearish but are lifting as we begin the new week. Here is what that has led to historically.
09/13/2021 08:39 AM - Comment(s)
What may happen today after yesterdays bearish outside day?
The markets put in a bearish outside day yesterday, here is what has followed that pattern historically.
09/10/2021 08:38 AM - Comment(s)
Rollover study as the day ends
Let's see what has happened historically at the close on rollover day.
09/09/2021 02:27 PM - Comment(s)
Rollover day study
Today is rollover day, let's see what has happened on this day historically.
09/09/2021 08:34 AM - Comment(s)
2nd Look at day prior to Equities Index Rollover 
Tomorrow is rollover day, let's see what has happened the afternoon before rollover.
09/08/2021 02:56 PM - Comment(s)
September Indices Rollover day tomorrow
Tomorrow is rollover day in the indices, let's see what has happened the day before rollover.
09/08/2021 08:39 AM - Comment(s)
Day after Labor Day, final hours study
The day after Labor day has historically favored this side into the close...
09/07/2021 02:09 PM - Comment(s)