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InvestiQuant Funds Kids with Cancer

Dr. Kristin Schroeder, co-founder of ICCare and Scott Andrews

Thank you! 
With the help of our iQ clients we were able to make a donation of $13,200 — enough to cover an entire year's worth of curative care treatment for 40 children.  

  • Since 2014, has nearly tripled the survival rate of children with cancer in Tanzania. 

  • Most of the children's families can't afford the cost of treatment (transport, labs, imaging, food chemotherapy, housing & care) required to give them the same chance of surviving as kids in developed countries.

  • $330 / year is all it takes to provide complete curative treatment and support for a Tanzanian child!

 Since 2022 InvestiQuant has donated over $34,000 from
proceeds made possible with client purchases. 

These funds have helped I-CCARE provide curative cancer treatment and
care to over 100 kids for a year!
 Read press release.

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