Matt Ratliff

Blog by Matt Ratliff

Matt's Minute: When is the best time to start autotrading?
When is the best time to start autotrading?
03/21/2025 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
Matt's Minute - What Is a Unit?
Have you heard us talk about autotrading units and weren’t sure exactly what that meant? Check out this 1-minute video where I explain what it means and how it impacts autotrading.
03/07/2025 12:13 PM - Comment(s)
Waiting Can Be Costly and Is Unnecessary
Take advantage of iQ Autotrading’s adaptive and self-regulating features BEFORE our programs capture their next wave of profits. Plus two special offers in March!
02/28/2025 03:14 PM - Comment(s)
Matt's Minute - Taxes on Autotrading
If you are not using an IRA to autotrade then you may wonder how taxes are treated when autotrading. This short video explains the tax benefits provided by the futures contracts we use to autotrade.
02/14/2025 03:28 PM - Comment(s)
Matt's Minute - Autotrading: How do I do it?
Are you wondering how you would go about participating in autotrading? Check out this short video that goes over the 2 steps you would need to complete to begin autotrading with iQ.
01/31/2025 12:02 PM - Comment(s)
How a Money Manager Uses iQ
In this video from a professional Money Manager, you get to hear how he uses iQ as part of his portfolio and other key points.
01/28/2025 05:18 PM - Comment(s)
Matt's Minute – Dealing with Drawdowns
Drawdowns happen, here are seven helpful tips for dealing with them when they come.
01/22/2025 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
Matt's Minute – Probabilities 101
What Program is Best to get Started With?
01/05/2025 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
Matt's Minute: When is the best time to start?
When is the best time to start?
12/13/2024 03:06 PM - Comment(s)
Tips from a Money Manager and Long Term Client
Mike Fickell spent 15 years on Wall Street as an institutional portfolio manager. And, as a long term iQ client, he has a couple of helpful tips for investors...
11/21/2024 04:01 PM - Comment(s)