Blog by Matt Ratliff
Yesterday the markets finished near the highs but still below Monday's close. Let's see what has followed that pattern.
The markets started the week strong, let's see what happens on Tuesdays in a similar environment.
How do we make a trading profit when the market is going down? Well, one option is "short selling". Check it out here.
The markets were bearish last week and are trading higher this morning, let's see what has followed that.
Today is options expiration day, let's see what has happened on this during the month of May.
The markets closed at a 52-week low yesterday, let's see what has followed that pattern.
Yesterday the markets gapped up sizably and continued higher, let's see what has followed that pattern.
This is options expiration week, so let's look at a seasonality study for this week.
The markets closed strong on Friday and are trading lower as we approach the open, let's see what has followed that pattern.
Hey this is Matt from investiquant. In today’s Matt’s minute we’re going to talk about taxes on Futures Contracts