Matt Ratliff

Blog by Matt Ratliff

Following a hammer candlestick pattern yesterday
The markets put in a hammer candlestick pattern yesterday, let's see what has happened following that pattern.
03/29/2023 08:25 AM - Comment(s)
Following a quiet narrow range day
The markets traded in a narrow range yesterday, here is what has followed in similar environments.
03/28/2023 08:14 AM - Comment(s)
Moving higher today?
The markets are opening higher to start the week, here is what has followed historically.
03/27/2023 08:27 AM - Comment(s)
Yesterday closed above the prior weeks close
The markets pushed higher this week, let's see what that means for Friday's session.
03/24/2023 08:22 AM - Comment(s)
FOMC announcement yesterday
The FOMC announcement was yesterday, here is what has happened following the announcement.
03/23/2023 08:36 AM - Comment(s)
FOMC announcement today
The FOMC announcement is today at 2:00 pm ET, here is what has happened on this day historically.
03/22/2023 08:32 AM - Comment(s)
FOMC announcement tomorrow
Tomorrow is the FOMC announcement, here is what has happened the day before the announcement.
03/21/2023 08:22 AM - Comment(s)
Lower start to the week
The markets are trading lower as we approach the start of the week. Let's see how these days have played out.
03/20/2023 08:25 AM - Comment(s)
Opex Day March 17 2023
Today is options expiration day, here is what has happened on this day historically.
03/17/2023 08:39 AM - Comment(s)
The day before Opex
Tomorrow is options expiration day, here is what has happened the day before opex.
03/16/2023 08:28 AM - Comment(s)