Blog tagged as Time Based Entry

Will the days Candlestick turn green?
In recent years the last trading day of the month has often moved in this direction as it approached the close...
11/30/2020 02:35 PM - Comment(s)
Friday November Opex Day trend?
Is this a random winning streak or is there something to this? You tell me.
11/20/2020 02:14 PM - Comment(s)
A bit of afternoon excitement, maybe..
This pattern into the close the day before options expiration has often favored the long side, check it out.
11/19/2020 02:32 PM - Comment(s)
Choppy, Light and Narrow doesn't make for an exciting day
The markets have seen choppy action and light ranges today, let's see what that has led to as we approach the close.
11/18/2020 02:37 PM - Comment(s)
Did you Discover this one?
The markets found a bottom early and are marching back towards yesterday's close, let's see what that has led to as we approach the end of the session.
11/17/2020 02:23 PM - Comment(s)
A sideways Monday
The markets gapped up this morning and are trying to hold above Friday's High, let's see what that pattern has led to as we approach the close.
11/16/2020 02:19 PM - Comment(s)
Friday the 13th
This unique day has often pushed higher into the close, I'll let you decide if it is signal or noise...
11/13/2020 03:05 PM - Comment(s)
Gap not filled and rally not supported
The markets are testing below yesterday's low as we approach the close, let's see what that has led to in a similar environment.
11/12/2020 02:23 PM - Comment(s)
Rare and conspicuous.
We are potentially forming a unique price pattern that we haven't seen since March, here is what it has led to historically.
11/10/2020 02:38 PM - Comment(s)
Sideways after morning optimism.  

Day - Monday

Opening Gap Direction - Up

Market Status - Large morning up gap followed by sideways day

Instrument - ES, NQ, RTY, YM

Trading SetUp - Long

Market Trend - Weak Bull

Trade Type - Time Based Entry

Entry - 3:00 pm ET

Exit - 4:15 pm ET (Market Close)

Note:  Most tests/studies are done going long...

11/09/2020 02:40 PM - Comment(s)