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FOMC Minutes impact
The FOMC minutes will be released this afternoon, here is what has happened on this day historically.
02/16/2022 08:35 AM - Comment(s)
Consolidating after Up Gap
The markets are continuing higher after the gap up this morning, here is how this pattern has played out into the close.
02/15/2022 02:13 PM - Comment(s)
Turnaround Tuesday?
Is turnaround Tuesday a thing? Let's find out.
02/15/2022 08:31 AM - Comment(s)
Afternoon after Friday's 5 day low
The markets were down big on Friday, let's see what has happened the following afternoon.
02/14/2022 02:35 PM - Comment(s)
What can happen Monday following a 5 day low close on Friday
The markets closed at the low of the week on Friday and are trading lower this morning, here is what that has led to historically.
02/14/2022 08:27 AM - Comment(s)
Friday following a big down day
The markets were down big yesterday, let's see what has happened on Fridays when the prior session was down sizably.
02/11/2022 08:21 AM - Comment(s)
Strong reversal off the morning high
The markets are seeing a strong reversal off the morning highs, here is what this rare pattern has led to.
02/10/2022 02:07 PM - Comment(s)
Following yesterday's gap and go
The markets had a gap and go to the upside yesterday, here is what has followed that pattern.
02/10/2022 08:35 AM - Comment(s)
February seasonality study
February has a consistent seasonality bias in this environment, check it out.
02/09/2022 08:35 AM - Comment(s)
Reverse off the morning lows, pushing higher
The markets reversed off the morning lows and are pushing higher, here is what that has led to.
02/08/2022 02:11 PM - Comment(s)